Take Care Your man


You love your man because he’s not like anyone else. It’s the charming quirks – his bizarre enthusiasm for paintball, the way he douses everything in chilli, his Sunday morning bedhead – that make him adorable. But some physical imperfections can come between you and your happy place. Here’s how to help him get his groom on.

The flaw :Dirty hair
Grimy locks and flaky bits that won’t come loose even after a good hair wash are a major turn-off. What not to say “Did you wash your hair today or just wet it?” Poor guy is probably suffering from a sunburnt scalp and the dead skin is getting caught in his hair. The Fix Shampoo Schmampoo. He probably doesn’t give much thought to the cleanser he uses. A detox version will not only purify the scalp, but remove excess dirt and oil too – a perfect solution if he’s hitting the gym hard. Bonus: get him hooked on this and he won’t use yours anymore.

Try Redken For Men Clean Brew Extra Cleansing Shampoo (R225), which can be used on extra-dirty hair.

The flaw :Spots on his back and chest
Nope, you’re not dating a teenager again; acne is unfortunately a reality for men in their twenties, thirties and even forties. “The most common cosmetic issue is male pattern balding, followed by acne and ingrown hair thanks to shaving rashes,” says skin expert, dermatologist Dr Dagmar Whitaker. What not to say “Can I do a little ‘bathroom surgery’ on your bacne?” Even if you don’t squeeze or pick at a spot, scarring can occur, so if the problem persists, suggest he sees a dermatologist. The fix For the odd case of the spots, swap his good ol’ budget soap for one that keeps skin at an optimum pH, ensuring that bacterial growth is shown the door.

Try Dermalogica Clean Bar (R275); it removes impurities and breaks down surface oils – and, bonus, he can use it on his face too.

The flaw :Pigmentation spots
You used to think his freckles were cute, but with each birthday, they become more noticeable. What not to say “You look more like your dad every day.” His genes don’t have to mean he’s in for a plague of pigmentation, but he does need to use sunscreen daily as a precaution (SPF 50 for pale skin and SPF 30 for black men’s skin). The fix Dark spots are difficult to erase completely, but they can be made less visible. Whether his pigmentation is thanks to acne scarring, sun damage or a past skin injury, a multi-purpose serum applied day and night will help shave off the years.

Try Clinique Skin Supplies for Men Dark Spot Corrector (R545), which is packed with antioxidants to help prevent new dark spots from forming.

The flaw :Lines and wrinkles around his eyes
Guys are lazier than we are when it comes to sunscreen, so their wrinkles are often more noticeable at an earlier age. And times are a-changing – that Robert Redford look is being replaced by a hotter generation of stars who aren’t threatened by being labelled metrosexual. If you’re beaming in on his expression lines more than his sexy smile, he needs eye cream. What not to say “I’ve always had a thing for older men.” There’s no reason why he should look that much older than you because the process of ageing is basically the same for men and women, says aesthetic medical doctor Dr Alek Nikolic. The fix Before you pounce on him with an arsenal of antiagers, think baby steps. A small, inoffensive-looking tube of eye cream is a quick addition to daily basin time, and the trick is picking one that he can use day and night.

We love Avon For Men QuadraFX Revitalising Eye Cream (R80), which works on tired-looking dark circles as well as fine lines.

The flaw :Cracked heels
Men’s feet often leave a lot to be desired and the balls of the feet and heels seem to get hit the hardest. What not to say “Want to join me for a pedi?” He may never be a spa convert, but he just might see the plus side of a softening foot cream – especially if he’s a fan of adding around barefoot. “Too much walking around on carpeted areas can cause very rough and jagged-looking skin because carpets dry out moisture,” says skincare therapist Michelle du Toit, owner of Radiance Skin & Body Therapy. The Fix Save from giving him a pedi yourself, a daily dose of cream with an ingredient like soothing tea tree oil will help soften and smooth his feet. Throw in a bonus foot massage and he’ll find it hard to say no.

Try Freeman Barefoot Lemon & Sage Foot Balm (R60, available at Dis-Chem).

The flaw :A red jaw and neck
Does he get angry-looking bumps under his skin when he shaves? If you’ve ever shaved your bikini line, you’ll have some insight into his daily agony. Clearly his skin doesn’t respond well to his shaving routine! What not to say “A beard would look so sexy on you!” Sadly, shaving is a daily chore that he may not wish to avoid, but his skin does need to be cooled down, gently exfoliated and softened to help with redness, razor bumps and ingrown hairs. The fix This one shouldn’t be hard to win him over with – even if he’s the macho type.

Kiehl’s Razor Bump Relief (R365) will give skin a mild exfoliation to reduce irritation, while (3) Lab Series 3-in-1 Post-shave (R290) works on keeping pores clear of debris and refines beard hair.

The flaw :Rough skin
Getting him to use moisturiser on his face is a chore, so getting him to spread the love to his arms and legs seems impossible, right? What not to say “Spooning with you leaves me with a skin rash.” Rather throw an impressive stat at him: according to Nielsen’s, the men’s body care market is currently worth R269 million and is growing by 32 percent in volume. It’s time for him to join the masses. The fix The solution is simple: he just needs to use a nourishing body cream (or lotion if his skin is oily) once a day.

Plonk a tub of Nivea For Men Maximum Hydration Body Cream (R39 for 400ml) next to the shower. It’s non-greasy and enriched with sea minerals to turbocharge hydration.