Most sore throat flare-ups are sparked by viruses, which thrive in the low humidity of the winter season and infl ame parched airways. Help relieve painful pipes with these herbal remedies. —RACHEL DOWD

Why With its antiviral properties, the culinary herb sage (Salvia offi cinalis) can help kick-start your immune system so you heal faster. According to a study published in the European Journal of Medical Research, patients using a throat spray containing sage essential oil experienced signifi cantly more relief from throat pain than patients given a placebo.

How While sage can be taken as a loose herb or in capsule form, a gargle or spray is most eff ective for sore throats, says Arizonabased Nicole Cain, ND. Pump two or three blasts of spray directly on the painful area every two hours.

Kit pick
Gaia Herbs Sage & Aloe Throat Shield Spray

Why Traditionally used by Native Americans as an all-purpose remedy for ailments, the dried bark of the slippery elm tree (Ulmus fulva) contains antioxidants to help fend off  infection as well as tannins for damping infl ammation. When combined with water, slippery elm produces mucilage, a gel that moistens and coats the throat.

How Steep 1 teaspoon of slippery elm herb in 1 cup of water for three to fi ve minutes to make a soothing tea, suggests Honolulu-based naturopathic physician and author Laurie Steelsmith. Or, she says, suck on a slippery elm lozenge as often as you need throughout the day.

Kit pick
Thayers Original Slippery Elm Lozenges

Why Called Indian echinacea, this extract from an annual herb (Andrographis paniculata) helps stimulate the immune system, warding off cold symptoms including sore throats. A study in Phytomedicine found that sore throat suff erers who took andrographis healed two days sooner than patients not taking the herb.

How Andrographis works best when taken at the fi rst sign of symptoms, specifi cally  within 36 to 48 hours, says Boston-based naturopath Cathy Wong. Look for supplements  containing at least 4 percent andrographolides (active ingredients in the extract), and take one to four times daily as instructed, for up to two weeks.

Kit pick
Nature’s Way Andrographis